By Tylan Geer
As we guard our hearts, we hide in His reality for our lives. Rebuking the lust of the flesh and all of the traditional scents of sin which are so evident in this world. We are in the world and not of it. What does that mean? You were made in the image of the one that has manifested daily. Every second even. Selah.
We encourage one another daily, yes? We tell everyone to stay in the Word. Make sure you stay in the Word. What is the Word—rather, who is the Word? Who was the Word made flesh? So when we fellowship in the Word, we fellowship with Jesus. As we do, the Holy Spirit leads and guides us away from the traditions and culture of this world. Take heed. The fashions of this world are a delusion state of temporal bliss in chaos. Selah.
Loving LOVE’s first breath looks nothing like what you see naturally—rather, the creation created by LOVE’s spoken breath.
Love at First Breath
From the beginning, love knew us before anything else ever was. Love knit us together in our mother’s womb. Love so intimately knows the number of hairs on our head—why? He placed them. Because my child-like faith, which is like a mustard seed, allows me to experience Love’s joyous kiss. Love From Love’s first breath, the manifestation of the creation of His countenance rang true. For God is love: The Great I AM; thus, in the beginning, was Love and all things created was in, by, and of Love. Selah.
Love only comes from/by the Ultimate source of itself. Selah.
Much do we truly not know about the depths of Love because it’s beyond time and space. The capacity of the brain only contains a limited space. Yet the capacity remains only to be fully comprehended face to face.
Will we then ever receive Love in this place? Will Love manifest that “happily ever after” that’s eternally portrayed? Honestly, honesty of the traditions of traditionality traverses LOVE’s intentions of happily ever after to a temporal state of being. Selah.
Receiving Love is found only in deed (John 3:16). LOVE’s Son is the evidence of the eternal ever after, which is perpetual in all facets of time and space once received indeed. Yes, we can have the eternal manifestation of LOVE; indeed, it’s found in Christ Jesus. Here, let’s have a meal, some bread, and a taste of wine, and let me testify of my experience. Here’s your seat next to me, please come join me. Do you receive it? Will you receive it? Love’s gate is in Christ alone, let us confess before we eat and drink!